Course Highlights
  • Recognise the building blocks of Critical thinking, Decision Making, and Problem-Solving
  • Assess Critical Thinking, Decision Making, and Problem Solving models and tools
  • Explore the affects of cognative bais and logical fallacies
  • Identify apporopraite Problem-solving and Decision-making processes
  • Evaluate and identify the best solution using data and information

8 Topics
The basics of decision-making
Decision-making fatigue
The decision-tree
Critical Thinking 101
Cognitive Bias
The Ladder of Inference
The Fundamentals of problem-solving
The 6-step problem-solving method

8 Topics
Logical fallacies
High and low quality decisions
The cost of irrationality
The Priming effect
Mental exercises to improve problem-solving
The Cause-and-effect diagram
Out-of-the-box thinking
Impossible thinking

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Online Critical-thinking, Decision-making and Problem-solving Course

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