Human Resources
Future of Human Resources from 2021

Future of Human Resources from 2021

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The transformation of human resources is fostered by advancement in technology as the years have unfolded. At par with automation and management of people in the organization, HR has been flexible to meet the needs of the organization time and again. The outbreak of covid-19 pandemic demonstrated the need to take prompt actions taken by human resource divisions across the world to manage their people. Some sectors have flourishing while others have struggled to thrive in the market. Nevertheless, the role of human resources is pertinent in bringing out the effectiveness and productivity of the workforce. In the process, the discovery of preparing the workforce for unseen challenges has led to the identification of new skills to face the job market scenarios. Some of these can be labelled as:

Adaptability and upgradation of skills – understanding the need for continuous learning. To achieve this, a swift change in the corporate culture is called for. Moreover, to create a learning culture, reminding employees that their well-being is taken care of is a requisite.

Choice and Centricity – how can the organization empower its employees? Owing to the changing work conditions, employees engaged in the tasks of the company may demand clarity in communication channels across the hierarchy for transparency of processes and perceptions of fairness. Developing processes that give employees choices to feel in charge of their work may garner better work output from them.

The hybrid nature of remote working, physically distant from the workplace makes it difficult for the employee to acclimatize with the organization. For this purpose, engaging employees to keep them connected to the company may be brought through employer value proposition.

Other factors to consider is to ensure employment security and maintain equity in pay. While compensation can be a tricky and sensitive stake of discussion, employers invest in talent based on multiple factors, for example, knowledge and practice of relevant software that make predictions and forecasts for the company in relation with other industries in the market. While companies may not be able to invest in new talent, for such purposes, upskilling the current workforce with demands of the market sets the tone for new goals to be achieved by human resource professionals.

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Future of Human Resources from 2021

April 06, 2021

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The transformation of human resources is fostered by advancement in technology as the years have unfolded. At par with automation and management of people in the organization, HR has been flexible to meet the needs of the organization time and again. The outbreak of covid-19 pandemic demonstrated the need to take prompt actions taken by human resource divisions across the world to manage their people. Some sectors have flourishing while others have struggled to thrive in the market. Nevertheless, the role of human resources is pertinent in bringing out the effectiveness and productivity of the workforce. In the process, the discovery of preparing the workforce for unseen challenges has led to the identification of new skills to face the job market scenarios. Some of these can be labelled as:

Adaptability and upgradation of skills – understanding the need for continuous learning. To achieve this, a swift change in the corporate culture is called for. Moreover, to create a learning culture, reminding employees that their well-being is taken care of is a requisite.

Choice and Centricity – how can the organization empower its employees? Owing to the changing work conditions, employees engaged in the tasks of the company may demand clarity in communication channels across the hierarchy for transparency of processes and perceptions of fairness. Developing processes that give employees choices to feel in charge of their work may garner better work output from them.

The hybrid nature of remote working, physically distant from the workplace makes it difficult for the employee to acclimatize with the organization. For this purpose, engaging employees to keep them connected to the company may be brought through employer value proposition.

Other factors to consider is to ensure employment security and maintain equity in pay. While compensation can be a tricky and sensitive stake of discussion, employers invest in talent based on multiple factors, for example, knowledge and practice of relevant software that make predictions and forecasts for the company in relation with other industries in the market. While companies may not be able to invest in new talent, for such purposes, upskilling the current workforce with demands of the market sets the tone for new goals to be achieved by human resource professionals.