
IIS, Jaipur

Gurukul Marg, SFS, Mansarovar, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India - 302020

An Outline

The International College for Girls (ICG)is a giant step in the field of women's education in the pink city of Rajasthan. True women empowerment is possible only when society gives due importance to the education institutions dedicated especially to the education of the fair sex. ICG fulfills that need. It a pioneer institution for women education, which was founded in the year 1995 as an affiliated college to the University of Rajasthan. It speaks volumes of the significance of the institution that it was started with just 56 girls and seven members of staff and in a short span of time, it became a Postgraduate College in 1999. Today, ICG stands tall with over 3500 students on roll, 208 faculty members and 46 support-staff (technical & non-teaching).

The pursuit for excellence in higher education at ICG got due recognition by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) - an autonomous institution of the University Grants Commission (UGC). ICG the only college in Rajasthan which has been accredited A+ by NAAC. The college has also been identified as a Model College by the Government of Rajasthan. 


To be an International Model Institution for students' success beyond predicted expectations.

To transform the dreams and aspirations of the youth to reality.

To strive and seek to cater to the Global needs. 

Ranking and Recognition

In the prestigious and widely acclaimed educational ranking of Indian Institutional Ranking Framework (IIRF- 2021), IIS at 92 Rank in IIRF Deemed University Ranking 2021


    • Engineering & Technology
    • Computer Science
    • Arts & Humanities
    • Language
    • Design & Architecture
    • Arts
    • Social Sciences
    • Politics & International Studies
    • Education
    • Education
    • Life Sciences
    • Biological Science
    • Physical Sciences
    • Biological Science
    • Business & Economics
    • Accounting & Finance

IIRF Ranking

Placement Performance (PP)


Teaching Learning Resources & Pedagogy (TLRP)


Research (Volume, Income and Reputation)


Industry Income And Integration


Placement Strategies & Support (PSS)


Future Orientation (FO)


External Perception & International Outlook (EPIO)


Select Ranking:



Deemed Universities - Govt & Pvt (Overall)

Key Stats

Yes Scholarship Availability
Excellent Research Perspective
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