The National Center for Cell Science is a government-aided organization set up in Pune, Maharashtra. It was introduced to enhance the research on cell biology all over the country. NCCS was established in the year 1986 in the premises of Savitribai Phule Pune University. It was earlier known as National Facility for Animal Tissue and Cell Culture. NCCS is an urban campus with Manoj Kumar Bhat as the director. Department of Biotechnology, Government of India and Ministry of Science and Technology are the three operating agencies in NCCS. National Center for Cell Science is one of the leading institute in the field of cell- culture, cell- repository, immunology and chromatin- remodeling. The institution helps with various research and support human resource development through teaching and training programs. The contributions by scientists of NCCS has gained worldwide acceptance.
Academic Performance
NCCS provides various facilities to enhance their academic achievement. They publish their works in all leading journals related to basic biology. NCCS has facilitated many modern technologies which help the scholars and scientists in their findings. FACS, Mass Spectrometry, Bio Imaging facility, DNA sequencing and Bioinformatics facility are technologies used in the NCCS campus. NCCS gifted many renowned scientists and finding in the area of biology.
The students, scientists and faculty have access to a library brimmed with wisdom and knowledge. The library has all the materials regarding the science field and even ensure the E-reading. It provides 734 online journals and other write-ups which helps the research activities in NCCS. Mondays and Tuesdays are permitted for the students to visit the campus with maximum of thirty pupils. The academic performance at NCCS is appreciated by the global research centers.
Research & Development
NCCS offers research program in ten different sections. All these sections are guided by the efficient faculty members and various scientists. Biology of Cancer and Chronic diseases works on the targeting of osteopontin and analogous genes in breast and Melanoma specific and cancer stem cells. Another section Pathogenesis and Cellular Response focus on Molecular-level Focus on the pathogenesis of Leishmania, Malaria and Tuberculosis. Stem Cells and Regeneration center works at differentiation, preservation, signaling and regeneration. Likewise, other sections do perform an excellent work and comes out with accurate information.
Notable Alumni
Dr. Gopal C. Kundu, Director R&D of Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology, Deemed to be University, had joined National Center for Cell Science in 1998 as Scientist-D. Girdhari Lal, was working as Scientist ‘D’ in National Centre for Cell Science in Autoimmunity and Transplantation and Cancer Immunology from 2010-2015. From 2015 onwards he has been in the capacity of Scientist ’E’ in the same department.