ITM Business School, Chennai established in 1993. Over the past 18 years made its presence felt among the students of not only Tamil Nadu but also from all corners of India, who have successfully launched their careers here. ITM Chennai has been enjoying a unique place in the canvas of Management Education and is one of the leading Management Institutes in Tamil Nadu, committed to the development of high quality professionals who add value to their Organizations and Society at large. ITM Chennai has made rapid strides ever since its inception and has etched a name for itself in academic excellence, research contributions and in Management Development Programs.
ITM Chennai believes that management education is not one giant leap but a partnership in progress. The endeavor of the Institution over the past decade has been to transform young bright graduates into aspiring managers seeking challenging opportunities in the new millennium. It is a series of small but sure steps where each step is an opportunity for self assessment and a realization to scale greater heights. This partnership between dynamic young students and management with a vision strives towards achieving one ultimatum.
ITM Business School, ITM - Chennai has got 71st rank in IIRF 2024 management ranking.
IIRF Ranking
Placement Performance (PP)
Teaching Learning Resources & Pedagogy (TLRP)
Research (Volume, Income and Reputation)
Industry Income And Integration
Placement Strategies & Support (PSS)
Future Orientation (FO)
External Perception & International Outlook (EPIO)