
Indian Institute of Technology (Patna)

Bihta, Patna, Bihar, India - 801106

Academic Excellence

Indian Institute of Technology Patna holds the pride of place among the newly started IITs in India. In short Span of time the Institution has proved its metal by imparting professional and needs based education to young students. It has become an Institution of National Importance.

IITP offers six Engineering Disciplines: Civil and Environmental Engineering, Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Material Science and Engineering; 2 Science Disciplines: Physics and Chemistry; Humanities and Social Sciences; Mathematics. Its faculty members are experts in their respective fields.


Name of InstituteIIRF Ranking 2023
IIT Patna# 48


The Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology Patna aims to engage in the frontiers of the field and channelize the state-of-the-art knowledge to train personnel who can solve problems of relevance to the society at large.


Research & Development Unit (R&D) of IIT Patna was established in 2008 with a view to initiate and nurture productive and interactive engagement with sponsoring agencies. It aims to facilitate smooth functioning of projects sponsored by government and private organization. Faculty members and students are encouraged for various engineering and interdisciplinary projects to register growth in research by generation of resources, patents, research collaborations and establishing links with industry.


IIRF Ranking

Placement Performance (PP)


Teaching Learning Resources & Pedagogy (TLRP)


Research (Volume, Income and Reputation)


Industry Income And Integration


Placement Strategies & Support (PSS)


Future Orientation (FO)


External Perception & International Outlook (EPIO)


Select Ranking:



Best Engineering Colleges in India (Govern...

Key Stats

Yes Scholarship Availability
Excellent Research Perspective
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