Among the newly established premier business schools in the country, the Indian Institute of Management Ranchi (IIM Ranchi) holds a unique position. It was established at Ranchi on 15 December 2009 by the Government of India.
In pursuit of multifaceted and holistic development.
With a view to fulfilling the vision, the institute aims at creating efficient managers and business leaders and thus ensure that the students develop the right skills required to sustain and grow in any organization. An equal weight is also given on developing the right values and attitude in students to help them sail through times of trial and turbulence.
Academic Excellence
IIM Ranchi offers two-year full-time residential programs: MBA and MBA-HRM are the two programmes under which students are awarded degrees. IIM Ranchi also offers Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) fellowship programmes and a part-time executive program (PGEXP).
IIM Ranchi prides itself in its carefully designed curriculum, a value-oriented approach, and a holistically nurturing environment. The programs are aimed at grooming students to enable them to face the challenges in the real world.
- Accounting & Finance
Business & Economics
IIRF Ranking
Placement Performance (PP)
Teaching Learning Resources & Pedagogy (TLRP)
Research (Volume, Income and Reputation)
Industry Income And Integration
Placement Strategies & Support (PSS)
Future Orientation (FO)
External Perception & International Outlook (EPIO)