
CoEP - College of Engineering (Pune)

Wellesely Road, Shivajinagar, Pune, Maharashtra, India - 411005

Academic Excellence

College of Engineering, Pune is a brand name in the field of technical education. It is known for ensuring academic excellence.The institute stands out for its commitment to finding solutions to the great predicaments of the day through advanced technology. The institute has a rich history and dedication to the pursuit of excellence. CoEP offers a unique learning experience across a spectrum of academic and social experiences.The curriculum is designed to enhance your academic experience through opportunities like internships, study abroad programmes and research facilities. The hallmark of CoEP education is its strong and widespread alumni network, support of the industry and the camaraderie that the institute shares with several foreign universities.

College was affiliated to University of Bombay in 1866. In 1868 the College moved to the New Buildings. The college was divided into three departments for matriculated and unmatriculated students.


Name of InstituteIIRF Ranking 2023
CoEP - College of Engineering, Pune# 20


To be a Value based Globally Recognized Institution ensuring academic excellence and fostering Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurial Attitude


• To be a student centric institute imbibing experiential, innovative and lifelong learning skills, addressing societal problems.
• To promote and undertake all-inclusive research and development.
• To inculcate entrepreneurial attitude and values amongst Learners.
• To strengthen National and International, Industrial and institutional collaborations for symbiotic relations.
• To mentor aspiring Institutions to unleash their potential, towards nation building.


IIRF Ranking

Placement Performance (PP)


Teaching Learning Resources & Pedagogy (TLRP)


Research (Volume, Income and Reputation)


Industry Income And Integration


Placement Strategies & Support (PSS)


Future Orientation (FO)


External Perception & International Outlook (EPIO)


Select Ranking:



Best Engineering Colleges in India (Govern...

Key Stats

Yes Scholarship Availability
Excellent Research Perspective
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