
Central Food Technological Research Institute (Mysuru)

Mysuru, Karnataka, India - 570020

Academic Excellence

CSIR−Central Food Technological Research Institute (CFTRI), Mysuru (A constituent laboratory of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi) came into existence during 1950 with the great vision of its founders, and a network of inspiring as well as dedicated scientists who had a fascination to pursue in-depth research and development in the areas of food science and technology. Research focus of CSIR-CFTRI has been revolved around broadly into the following areas:

  • Translational Research
  • Engineering Sciences
  • Food Protection and Safety
  • Technology Development

Food Technology being inter-disciplinary in nature the mandate or vision of the Institute is fulfilled through various R&D Departments and Support Departments along with its Resource Centres at Hyderabad, Lucknow and Mumbai.


Name of InstituteIIRF Ranking 2023
Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysuru# 116


CSIR-CFTRI is a large and diversified laboratory presently headed by Dr. Sridevi Annapurna Singh, Director, CSIR-CFTRI. There are nearly 200 scientists, technologists, and engineers, and over 100 technicians, skilled workers, and support staff. There are sixteen research and development departments, including laboratories focusing on food engineering, food biotechnology, microbiology, grain sciences, sensory science, Biochemistry, Molecular Nutrition and food safety.

The institute has developed over 300 products, processes, and equipment types. It holds several patents and has published findings in reputed journals. India is the world's second largest food grain, fruit and vegetable producer, and the institute is engaged in research in the production and handling of grains, pulses, oilseeds, along with ahty spices, fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, and poultry.

The institute develops technologies to increase efficiency and reduce post-harvest losses, add convenience, increase export, find new sources of food products, integrate human resources in food industries, reduce costs, and modernize.

CSIR-CFTRI has developed over 300 products, processes including equipment designs, and most of these technologies have been released to over 4000 licensees for commercial exploitation.

IIRF Ranking

Placement Performance (PP)


Teaching Learning Resources & Pedagogy (TLRP)


Research (Volume, Income and Reputation)


Industry Income And Integration


Placement Strategies & Support (PSS)


Future Orientation (FO)


External Perception & International Outlook (EPIO)


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Yes Scholarship Availability
Excellent Research Perspective
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