As per the latest updates, NTA has released the CMAT 2022 answer keys with the question paper and recorded responses. Students are advised to visit the official NTA CMAT website:
On April 19, 2022, NTA uploaded the provisional answer key of the Common Management Admission Test (CMAT) 2022. The CMAT 2022 was organized on April 9, 2022, in an online mode.
How can you download the answer key?
Step 1: You must land on the official NTA website –
Step 2: When you land on the homepage, tap on the link “ CMAT Answer Key.”
Step 3: You will be directed to a new page.
Step 4: Write down your CMAT Registration number and password.
Step 5: Then, tap on the submit button.
The aspirants who have any problems/ queries regarding CMAT Answer Key 2022, or are not satisfied with answer key 2022, can raise their objections by providing necessary representations until 11.50 pm on April 21, 2022. For every objection, the aspirants have to pay a non-refundable fee of Rs 200.
Without receipt of the fee, no objections will be entertained by the authorities. The panel of subject experts will verify the challenges and will revise the final answer key. No challenge will be entertained after 21, 2022 ( 11.50) pm.
For more queries, aspirants can contact 011-69227700/ o11-40759000 or email at