Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test, condensed as TANCET is a common entrance test that is conducted to get admission to the PG program in the colleges and institutes in Tamilnadu. This test is steered for several PG courses such as MTech/ MArch/ MPlan/ ME, MBA, and MCA programs. TANCET is state level entrance exam. Anna University has been approved by The Government of Tamil Nadu for conducting TANCET.
This Entrance test is presented at
Events | Dates and information |
M.B.A. | Graduate degree from a recognized university. cumulative marks of graduation must be 50% for the general category and 45% for BC, BCM, MBC, SC, SCA, and ST. Click Link for: Top MBA Colleges in India |
Registration | Online |
Entrance test fee | Applicants have to pay 800/ for the general category and 400/- for SC /SCA /ST. |
Hall tickets | Download from the Anna University official website. |
Application form | From 06-04-2022 to 20-06-2022 (without late fee). |
Date of M.B.A. exam | 14.05.2022 |
M.B.A. time of exam | 02.30 p.m. to 04.30 |
Duration for the issue of mark sheets | 15-06-2022 to 30-06-2022 |
Eligibility | 10+2+3 years pattern 10+3 years Diploma + 3 years pattern B.E./B.Tech./B.Arch. /B. Pharm. 10+2+AMIE10+3 Years diploma (awarded by the State Board of Technical Education) + AMIE. |
Students can apply for TENCET online by filling out the application form and then submission of the form. TANCET was conducted by anna university and anna university held this exam in 14 cities. Students get to the examination center by the university and then they can appear in the exam.
Candidates appearing for the final semester/year of examination during Academic Year 2021-2022 may also apply for TANCET 2022. Other State Applicants can also attempt the exam but the suitability conditions will be specified by the stating University.
The entrance test will be held in the following city:
1 | Chennai |
2 | Coimbatore |
3 | Chidambaram |
4 | Dindigul |
5 | Erode |
6 | Karaikudi |
7 | Madurai |
8 | Nagercoil |
9 | Salem |
10 | Thanjavur |
11 | Tirunelveli |
12 | Tiruchirappalli |
13 | Vellore |
14 | Villupuram |
The process of taking admission to MBA, MCA, and other post-graduate programs for the academic year 2022-2023 entails the two phases which have mentioned below:
SL. No | Program | SC/SCA/ST Candidates belonging to Tamilnadu | Others |
M.B.A or M.C.A or M.E/M. Tech/M. Arch/M.Plan | Rs.400/- | Rs.800/- |
Note: Separate fees for each program will be paid by the candidate.
Sl.No | Course | Syllabus |
1 | M.B.A. | The question paper will have the following PatternsIn this section, questions are used to test the ability to solve an intricate problem, insight, and notion. This part of the exam measures the ability of applicants how they can use analogies and manipulate complex issues and solve difficult problems with creativity and with the help of the scientific method. identify data critically and apply the data to business decisions from given typical data for solving day-to-day business-related situations. |
Analyzing the Ability and thoughtfulness of Comprehension and selection of appropriate words, phrases, and expressions, are also tested by the passage which has given in the exam. Several questions have been asked to know other skills of language by comprehension. Grammar is also measured by the use of synonyms, antonyms, phrases, and other parts. | ||
Appraise the expertise in explaining mathematical problems at the graduate level including those learned in plus two or equivalent levels. This portion of the test includes percentage, interest, time, speed, Trigonometry, and numerical calculations. This test measures how fast you can solve numerical and basic problems. This is basically to judge your analytical and problem-solving attitude and how you can apply all these facts in day-to-day situations. | ||
Determining the data and facts in real-life situations Ability to implement the info in day-to-day life is very demanding in recent times if the person has a good command of numerical values and calculations, they take the best result out of the data and information which is given. An analytical approach with problem-solving aptitude is a required skill in this part of the syllabus. | ||
This section includes synonyms, antonyms, and comprehension. English language capability would be verified by synonyms and antonyms Grammar, vocabulary, and sentence completion. Command over the grammatical portion is the main concern in this part. The main emphasis is on written English. How students can write effectively and accurately is tested by this part of the examination. |
SL.No. | Course | No of questions | NO of substitute answer | Marks for each correct answer | Negative marks for every incorrectanswer | Maximum answer | FurtherFacts |
1 | M.B. A | 100 | 4 | 1 | 1/3 | 100 | Multiple shading measures as an incorrect answer |
Note: No marks deduction for unanswered questions
Registration number in the application form will be filled by the authority and once the hall ticket is uploaded on the portal then entrants can download the hall ticket from the websites of Anna University. If students lost their hall ticket, they can apply for a reissue of the hall ticket by filling the demand draft on the payment of 100/- to the Secretary (TANCET), Anna University Chennai. Students must indicate the Application number, Registration number, and Examination center number during the application the attain the hall ticket.
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